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Saturday, 21 July 2012

UK Tier 1

Tier 1 of the Points Based System directly replaces the previous Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP UK) and like its predecessor, it is designed to facilitate the relocation of skilled migrants to the UK.

About Tier 1 immigration

UK Tier 1 visas are designed to attract what the Home Office refer to as the 'brightest and best' of potential UK immigration candidates. Unlike tier 2 visas, which also apply to those moving to the UK for long-term business or employment purposes.
Tier 1 visas do not require an offer of employment to be in place. As a result, the requirements of the tier 1 assessment are consistent with selecting the most highly skilled applicants. Find out if you have the skills to qualify using the free assessment tool.
Under Tier 1 - Applicants may apply through one of the following categories:

Exceptional Talent

This category of Tier 1 UK Visa is designed to attract talented and skilled individuals to the UK. Judged on a case-by-case basis, applicants must prove that they are recognised as world leaders in their field of expertise. Take the free assessment to find out if you meet these requirements.  You may also like to visit UK Work Permit information.
You may want to find out more about this in our Tier 1 Exceptional talent page.


The General category applies to highly skilled candidates wishing to enter the UK in order to seek and undertake employment. The program is now discontinued, however existing UK Tier 1 Visa holders will still be permitted to renew or extend the visa. Applicants who previously qualified for Tier 1 are now eligible for Tier 2 Visas.


Applicants for the Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa will be investing in the UK economy by starting or assuming control of a business. Candidates must also be involved in the day-to-day running of the enterprise concerned.


The Investor stream of Tier 1 is aimed at individuals making a substantial investment in the UK.

Discontinued programs replaced by Tier 1 Visa UK

Tier 1 of the PBS replaces eight immigration categories from the previous system and replaces them with four new subdivisions. With the exception of the Post-Study Work category, time spent in the UK will count towards the minimum residency requirement of five years for permanent settlement in the UK.

Outgoing UK Immigration Services

  • Business persons
  • Fresh talent: Working in Scotland Scheme
  • Highly Skilled Migrant Programme
  • Investors
  • International Graduates Scheme
  • Innovators
  • Self Employed Lawyers
  • Writers, Composers and Artists

Tier 1 Visa assessment

As with the previous HSMP, tier 1 visa 
 for the UK will be assessed on a range of criteria. In sub-categories of tier 1, candidates will be assessed against a specific group of requirements. However, the following general requirements will apply to all streams:

  • English Language Proficiency - The PBS places emphasis upon competence in the English Language, especially in tier 1.
  • Self - Sufficiency - All migrants in tier 1 must be able to support both themselves and any dependent family members.

Applying for a Tier 1 visa

Unlike the other tiers of the PBS, tier 1 visa applications do not need a sponsor to be in place. The tier 1 visa application will be a single process whether initiated from inside or outside the UK and applicants will need to submit a range of supporting documentation in order to substantiate their application. Candidates may apply for a tier 1 visa either to enter the UK, extend a stay, or switch whilst already in the UK.

Tier 1 spouse immigration and dependent immigration

Since tier 1 immigration is designed for skilled migrants immigrating to the UK for a long-term to permanent stay, a successful applicant may bring their dependants, including their spouse, civil partner, unmarried partner, and/or children with them. However, the main applicant must demonstrate their ability to support and maintain their dependents in the UK.
These dependents will be eligible work, however, if they wish to be in the UK in their own right i.e. rather than as a dependent, they will need to leave the UK in order to apply.
Our online assessment forms make it easy to get your application moving. Simply answer a few straight forward questions and a Global Visas immigration consultant will contact you. Find out further information on our Tier 1 Visa - Exceptional Talent page.

UK Tier 1 Visa - Exceptional Talent

Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visa UK Requirements

Unlike other of UK work permit, the UK Exceptional Talent visa does not require a job offer or employer sponsorship to qualify. Instead, the applicant will be individually assessed according to their skills and talent in the fields of science, humanities, social science, engineering or the arts.
To qualify, the applicant must have recognition – or have the potential to receive recognition – as a leader in the fields of science, arts and humanities. This must be backed up by an endorsement from an 
 competent body in their field.

To be eligible, applicants must be recommended by one of the following bodies:
  • The Royal Society (science)
  • Arts Council of England
  • Royal Academy of Engineering
  • The British Academy (humanities and social sciences)
Take the free assessment to find out if you have the exceptional talent to apply for this category of UK Tier 1 visa.


Initial Exceptional Talent Visas will be granted for a period of three years and four months. This may be extended for a further two years, and after five years the applicant can apply for permanent residence.


The number of visas granted under all categories of Tier 1 will be limited to just 1,000 each year. 
 will generally be processed on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, so it is vital that you make your application as quickly as possible.

Tier 1 Visa - Entrepreneur

As with the other categories of the Tier 1 UK visa, candidates applying as entrepreneurs do not need to have a sponsor in place. However, applicants must still meet a range of specific criteria.  Many poeple who lke this also viewed Tier 1 Investor information.

Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa UK Requirements

Eligibility criteria for the Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa require that the applicant has set up or taken over a British business. Individuals can make an application both within and outside the United Kingdom.
The initial investment can be as little as £50,000 if the funding was provided by a venture capitalist, a Government Department or a seed competition. Up to two business partners may apply for UK visas on the basis of this funding.
Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa applicants who don’t meet this requirement may still apply with an investment of £200,000 or more.

Fast-track to settlement

In order to encourage more business activity in Britain, UK immigration authorities offer entrepreneurs a fast-track to permanent settlement. This is available to anyone who can either create 10 jobs or turn over more than £5 million in a three-year period. The fast-track initiative will allow entrepreneurs to permanently settle in the UK in as little as three years.

Tier 1 Visa - Investor

Under Tier 1 of the Points Based System (PBS), candidates may apply for UK visas under one of four subdivisions. The Investors category is designed for those who intend to make a substantial investment in the UK.
Find out if you qualify for a Tier 1 visa by visiting the Global Visas online assessment form today.
Tier 1 visas, unlike all other tiers of the UK Points Based System, do not require applicants to be awarded a 
 of Sponsorship from a licensed sponsor.

Immigration to the UK under all other tiers requires the sponsoring business, 
college or
 other institution to be licensed as a sponsor, and to provide them with a sponsorship certificate, enabling them to apply for entry clearance.

Tier 1 replaces the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP) and aims to allow the most highly skilled applicants to migrate to the UK as quickly as possible. However, while no sponsor is required applicants must reach a minimum points threshold based on a range or criteria.

General Requirements

The investor visa sub category of the five-tier immigration system does not impose the general requirement for proficiency in the English language. This requirement is mandatory for the General and Entrepreneur streams with a high level of proficiency required to pass. However, in the Investor category since applicants are unlikely to need to work, this requirement is deemed unnecessary.
Similarly, whilst the mandatory requirement that a applicant must be able to financially support both themselves and their dependents is a feature of the other Tier 1 -visa sub categories, it does not apply to the Investor category.
By definition those investing sufficient funds to pass the requirements do not need to undergo a maintenance test.

Specific Requirements

As with all categories of Tier 1, the Investor category requires candidates to meet or exceed the minimum points requirements based on various factors.
However, unlike other subdivisions of Tier 1, for example the General category in which points are accumulated over a range of criteria, the points-based pass mark for the investor scheme must be satisfied by one of the following:
  • The candidate has a minimum of £1 million. The money must be their own and must be held in a regulated UK financial institution. The money must also be disposable in the United Kingdom.
  • The candidate has personal assets to the value of more than £2 million taking into account any liabilities.
  • The candidate has an amount of no less than £1 million, which is under their control and is held in a regulated UK financial institution. This may include money which has been loaned to them if the financial institution providing the loan is regulated by the Financial Services Authority.


Regular Tier 1 Investor visa holders in the UK can apply for permanent residence after five years in the country, however more significant investments could lead to fast-tracked settlement. Those who invest £10 million or more may qualify after two years, while investments over £5 million will qualify after three years.

Extending a Tier 1 Visa

A Tier 1 immigration visa for the UK may be extended in all categories except the Post-
Work category. Unlike the others, the Post-Study Work category is designed as a temporary bridge between study and employment and is granted for two years with no option to extend this period.

Tier 1 visas in the Investor category, the General category and the Entrepreneur category are all granted for an initial period of three years, which can be extended by another two years. When applying for an extension, applicants will be assessed against a differing set of criteria.
Unlike the initial set of criteria, Investor visa holders must accrue the 75 point pass mark over the following list of requirements:
The applicant must have either of the following:
  • A minimum of £1 million of their own money in the UK
  • Personal Assets with a value exceeding £2 million taking account of liabilities
  • Money under their control which amounts to no less than £1 million. This may include loaned money from a provider who is regulated by the FSA.
In addition candidates must satisfy all of the following requirements:
  • They must have invested a minimum of £750,000 in the UK. This must have been invested by way of either UK Government bonds or share capital or investment capital in active UK companies. This does not include companies whose main activities are property investment. Investment cannot be interpreted as placing deposits in a bank or building society.
  • The investment outlined above must have been made within 3 months of gaining the tier one visa and must be maintained throughout the duration of the visa.

Switching to a Tier 1 Visa

Tier 1 visa holders may switch into another sub category if they satisfy the associated requirements. The one exception is that visa holders cannot switch into the Post-Study Work category. Holders of visas in Tier 2 and Tier 4 will also be able to switch into Tier 1 as the PBS is fully implemented. However switching to tier 1 will not be allowed for holders of working holidaymaker visas or those in possession of tier 3 and tier 5 visas.
You may also find our guide to Tier 1 post study work helpful.

Tier 1 Visa - General

In December 2010 the UK government announced it would close the Tier 1 General visa to new applicants from April 6, 2011.
Existing Tier 1 Visa holders will still qualify under this category if they wish to renew their visa. 
 will continue to be accepted as long as the applicant continues to meet the eligibility requirements of the original Tier 1 visa (General) application.

Applicants who previously qualified for a Tier 1 Visa (General) can now apply under Tier 2 visas of the points-based system. Visit the Tier 2 Visas page for further information.
Visit our visa assessment form now to find out whether you qualify and to begin your application.
As well as being highly skilled, applicants may also meet eligibility for a UK Tier 1 Visa in one of the following categories:
  • Tier 1 Visa - Post Study Work
  • Tier 1 Visa - Entrepreneur
  • Tier 1 Visa - Investor
As a specialist UK immigration consultancy helping clients to relocate to destinations all over the world, Global Visas consultants are well versed in points based immigration systems and are fully equipped to help businesses and individuals to navigate points based UK visa services.
Our specialist immigration lawyers provide expert advice for those who pursue immigration to UK and we provide a complete range of immigration compliance services to ensure that businesses are granted a licence to sponsor the professionals they need.


General requirements

As with all categories of Tier 1, UK visa applicants in the general stream must be able to satisfy the language and maintenance requirements.
Under the PBS, emphasis is placed upon the ability of non-EEA nationals migrating to the UK to be proficient in the English language. In Tier 1, with the exception of those entering the UK as investors, this requirement is particularly important.
Skilled migrants are required to prove their English language ability by demonstrating one of the following:
  • They come from a country in which English is the main language
  • They have passed an English language test which is equal to or exceeds level C1 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework for Language Learning
  • They have successfully completed a Master's degree course which was taught in English


Highly skilled migrants relocating to the UK under any of the Tier 1 subdivisions must be able to support themselves and any dependents joining them in the UK. They must provide evidence of funds as part of their application. Take a free assessment through Global Visas to find out if you meet these requirements.

Specific requirements

Applying for a Tier 1 Visa in the general category is based on many of the same criteria as the previous Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP). Taking into account the applicant's qualifications, previous earnings, age, and any work experience or qualifications earned in the UK. As with all sub divisions of Tier 1, eligibility depends on the applicants scoring the minimum number of points based on factors including 
 and experience. Take the free assessment to find out if you have what it takes.

Tier 1 Visa extension

Tier 1 visas are granted for an initial period of three years. The one exception to this are visas granted in the Post-Study Work category, which are granted for two years and are not extendable.
In all other subdivisions candidates may extend their leave by a further two years. However, it will be necessary to pass the version of the Tier 1 requirements that are current at the time of applying for an extension.
In the general category, the requirements will remain largely the same. However, points originally awarded for the applicant's age at the time of their first application will be carried over intact. No further evidence will be required of the applicant's English language ability.

Switching to a Tier 1 Visa

Under the Points Based System, it is possible for an applicant to switch their category if they meet the requirements of the category they intend to move to. It is also possible in some circumstance to switch to a Tier 1 category from a visa type which precedes the tier system
Candidates already in possession of a highly skilled tier visa in any sub category may switch to any other sub category apart from the Post Study Work category. Those in possession of Tier 1 visas in the post-study work category may switch to any other Tier 1 category and will be able to switch to a Tier 2 visa, or Tier 4 visa once these aspects of the PBS are in place.
Switching into Tier 1 will also be permitted for qualifying Tier 2 or Tier 4 students however, Tier 1 will not be accessible from Tier 3, Tier 5 of from candidates present in the UK on a working holiday maker visa.
Find out further information on our Tier 2 Visas page. Beginning your Tier 1 visa application is quick and easy with our online assessment form.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Spain Visa Application Process

Visa Application Process
Please click on the following link for jurisdiction to ascertain you are eligible to apply for your visa at the London Visa Application Centre. You must check that you are eligible to apply at this office before scheduling an appointment. Please note that if you do not come under the jurisdiction of the London Spanish Consulate as per the above link, you must apply only at the Edinburgh Spanish Consulate at the following link.

Step 1 :Only Tourists, Business, Transit and Dependents/ Spouses of EU/Spanish Nationals applications are accepted at the VFS application centre.
Step 2 :Please go to the section at top left of this page "All about your Visas", "Short Term Visa" to select the required category of visa . Please ensure that you read the ‘documents required’ and ‘processing times’ sections carefully by clicking on these links. Please also be aware that documentary requirements may change from time to time, and applicants are therefore advised to check the requirements EVERY time when making a visa application, and should not proceed on information provided on previous applications.
Step 3 :ALL persons travelling MUST apply in person to lodge their application. If you are not a resident of the UK you should apply at the Embassy in your country of residence. On arriving the visa application centre, you will be required to take a token at the entrance and be seated in the waiting area – you will next be called to our submission counter, where your application and supporting documents will be scrutinized, and your photograph and passport will be checked for validity Finally, you will be issued a receipt for the fees and service charges paid as an acknowledgement of your application

NOTE - please be aware that no documentation will be returned with your passport, so unless specifically requested please do not give original copies of documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificate’s etc. Only copies of such documents should be submitted with your application. - when requesting multiple entry visa or long term visa’s ie 6 months or 1 year, please note that the decision to issue such visa’s rests solely with the Consulate itself. You may request such visa’s at the time of application, but we cannot guarantee the outcome of such requests.

NOTE - please be aware that no documentation will be returned with your passport, so unless specifically requested please do not give original copies of documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificate’s etc. Only copies of such documents should be submitted with your application. - please be aware that no documentation will be returned with your passport, so unless specifically requested please do not give original copies of documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificate’s etc. Only copies of such documents should be submitted with your application. 
Step 4 :Mandatory - Please Schedule an appointment at the visa application centre to submit your Short Stay Tourists, Business and EU/Spanish Nationals and Transit application. Click on the link to make an appointment. Please ensure you have checked the Jurisdiction link before making your appointment, to ensure you are eligible to apply at the London Visa Application Centre. If you do not fall under the jurisdiction of the London Spanish Consulate, you must apply at the Edinburgh Spanish Consulate via the following link. Please note that you should submit your visa application no more than 90 days prior to your date of travel.

All About Your Visas For Spain

All About Your Visas
VFS has been appointed as an outsourced partner by the SPANISH CONSULATE GENERAL IN LONDON, United Kingdom to facilitate visa applications to Spain and Schengen countries. Applications will be accepted by appointment at the below mentioned address:
Spain Visa Application Centre
The Battleship Building
179 Harrow Road,
London W2 6NB

You must apply in person at the Spain Visa Application Center to lodge your application. If you are not a resident of the UK you should apply at the Embassy in your country of residence.

The Visa fees can be paid by Credit/Debit card (only at the Visa Application Centre) or Postal Orders in the name of Spain Visa Application Centre". Fees in Cash will also be accepted at the Centre.

Processed applications can also be returned by DX Securemail couriers at an additional cost of 8.90 per passport.





Schengen visa

A Schengen visa has to be obtained from the Embassy of the country where the MAIN PURPOSE OF TRAVEL lies. Therefore, please check your travel plans before applying at the Spain Visa Application Centre in London

In case of travel to multiple Schengen countries, please apply to the Embassy of the country where you will be staying for the maximum number of days. If the number of days to be spent in multiple countries is the same, you must apply to the embassy of the country which will be your first point of entry.

Please note that the above rule applies not only to a single, consecutive trip to multiple Schengen countries, but also if separate trips to several Schengen countries are planned closely together.

Please note that all decisions regarding the issuance of, duration and number of entries regarding the visa are at the sole discretion of the Spanish Consulate.

For more Information and to view list of countries whose citizens need a visa to enter Spain: Click Do I Need A visa

Please note that holders of Schengen visas are still subject to immigration control and are not guaranteed entry into any of the Schengen countries, even though they may hold a valid visa for these countries.
A Schengen visa is valid for
SwitzerlandPolandSlovak Republic
HungarySloveniaCzech Republic

Visa Exemptions for School Children Groups

Visa exemptions may be obtained for school children normally requiring a visa to travel to Spain or any other European Union Country as part of an organised school trip, as a group, which must be accompanied by a teacher.
Pupils who have British passports, but who are British Overseas Citizens or British Dependant Citizens, will have to apply for visas or be included in the "List of Travellers" form or Visa exemption form.

For further information and application forms for a visa waiver please contact:

British Council
Bridgewater House
58 Whitworth Street
M1 6BB

Tel: + 44 (0) 161 957 7755
Fax: + 44 (0) 161 957 7762

Request form online:

The British Council is an independent organisation and is not connected to the Spanish Consulate

Applicants requiring special physical assistance are requested to contact our helpline prior to visiting our centre so that appropriate support can be offered.

There is a service charge of £17.00 (inclusive of VAT) per application over and above the visa fees payable by all applicants

Coin -operated Photocopier and Photo Booth are available for your use at the centre, should you require it.

Spain Visa

Pathways to Spanish Immigration

The following is a guide to immigration to Spain to live in the country permanently. Find out about temporary visa options by visiting the Spain Visa Requirements page. There are two main ways to reside permanently in the country and these are taking up a residence visa or applying for citizenship. Find out which one you qualify for by taking the free assessment.

Residence Visa

A Spain residence permit – entitling the holder to live permanently in the country – can be obtained in a number of ways. If you have an offer of employment you can apply to the Spain immigration department for a long–term visa to work in the country which will also entitle you to immigrate to Spain permanently (or for as long as you have work). Emigrating to Spain is also possible if you are retired. For this you will need proof that you have sufficient funds to support yourself for the duration of your stay and a medical certificate. Finally migration to Spain is also an option if you have a close family member who has resided in the country for over a year and had their residence permit for Spain renewed. Family members eligible for this type of visa include the spouse or minor children of the permit holder or their elderly parents. Find out if you are eligible by taking the free assessment.

Applying for Citizenship

Some nationalities can apply for Spanish citizenship after 10 years of continual and legal residence in the country. In addition, if married to a Spanish national, some nationalities can apply for citizenship after just one year. In every case, to obtain permanent immigration to Spain under the Spanish citizenship law, a person must renounce his or her original nationality. Find out more information about working in Spain and applying for a work visa. Take the free assessment to find out if you qualify.

Student Visa Spain

To study in Spain you will normally need one of the following visas. In Spain, a student visa requires a considerable amount of documents to be submitted. To ensure your Spain visa application is handled correctly, speak to the best and take our free assessment today.

Short Term Courses

If you wish to study in Spain for less than 90 days and you are not an EU or US citizen or a national from one of the Schengen countries, you need to apply for a short-term Spain study visa through your Spanish embassy. This visa is applicable to anyone who wishes to study abroad in Spain from primary school age right up to mature students. Click on the free assessment button to find out if you qualify.

Long Term Courses

If you have been accepted into a primary or secondary school or a university and wish to study for longer than 90 days, you will need to apply for a long-term student visa for Spain. A study visa for Spain can be obtained once you have been accepted onto the course and paid any fees required by the institution. If applicable, you will also need a notarized letter from your parent assuming financial responsibility for you. Find out if this is the visa for you by taking the free assessment.

Visiting Family

If your application for a student visa in Spain is successful, you can usually apply for visas for close family to come and reside in the country with you for the duration of your course.

Visa application centre in Spain

This page contains information about our visa application centre in Spain. It also explains what to bring with you and what will happen when you attend your appointment at a visa application centre.
All visa applicants unless they are exempt from enrolling their biometric information must book an appointment at the visa application centre as part of their application. The Applying for a UK visa page contains more information.
UK Border Agency
British Consulate-General
Torre Espacio
Paseo De La Castellan 259-D
28046 Madrid

What will happen when you attend your appointment?

When you attend your appointment, you will:
  • need to arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before your appointment (if you are late you will need to reschedule);
  • submit a printout of your application form; and
  • enrol your biometric information. The Biometric information page describes the requirements for enrolling this information.

Transport information

There is no public car park at Torre Espacio. The nearest public car park is La Paz, next to the La Paz Hospital and directly opposite Torre Espacio. Alternative car parks are:

Tagasa; C/ San Roman Nonato 2-4, 28046 Madrid. 91 733 73 94
Carlos Morquillas Siguero; C/ Hermanos de Andres 12, 28029 Madrid. 91 315 01 36
The number 5 bus goes from Cibeles to Chamartin. You can walk from there to Torre Espacio or if you prefer you can get the 66, 124 or 135 bus. Bus route 27 goes from Gta. Embajadores to Plaza Castilla and routes 173 or 178 run from Plaza Castilla to Torre Espacio.

The nearest underground stop is Begoña (line 10). When you get to Begoña station make sure you take the exit sign posted La Paz or you will have a much longer walk to Torre Espacio.

Customers with disabilities

The UK Border Agency in Madrid is keen to ensure that its services are fully accessible to disabled people. Information on disabled access is set out below.

General physical access

Please note the following points if you plan to visit us:
  • The UK Border Agency is located on the 38th floor of a tower block - Torre Espacio floor and has full wheelchair access.
  • The toilets that have been specially designed for the needs of wheelchair users or those with limited physical mobility.
  • Public car parking is available at La Paz hospital.
  • The entrance to Torre Espacio is clear and unobstructed. Wheelchair users can access the lobby area through a door at the side of the revolving door.
  • Once inside the lobby area, there are specially adapted turnstiles so that wheelchair users can access the lift area.
  • The public areas, including the cashier and biometric counters, are easily accessible to wheelchair users or those with physical disabilities.
  • The floor covering is safe and even throughout the whole of Torre Espacio.
  • The building is bright and well lit.
  • The UK Border Agency is fitted with emergency alarms and arrangements are in place for assisting disabled visitors in case of emergency / evacuation. Visa staff will help disabled visitors leave the building.
Access for the visually impaired and deaf / hard of hearing visitors
  • The visa reception area in the lobby is easily identified by the British flag.
  • Some of the statutory notices are not clearly visible for the visually impaired. Please ask visa staff if you need any help with information.
  • Hearing loops, minicom and textphones are not installed but we do have microphones on the counters.

What should you bring with you?

When you attend your appointment, you should bring:
  • a signed printout of your completed form;
  • your passport. You are not legally required to have 6 months validity on your passport at the time you apply for your visa. But your passport must be valid at the time you apply and at the time you arrive in the UK;
  • 1 recent passport-sized (45mm x 35mm) colour photograph of your face, which meets the requirements in our photograph guidance - you can download this guidance from the right side of this page;
  • confirmation of your online payment;
  • confirmation of your online appointment;
  • any supporting documents that are relevant to your application and a phototcopy of each document (including English translations);
  • any previous passports which show evidence of foreign travel; and
  • Your original valid Spanish, Andorran or Portuguese residence permit. If it is out of date and being renewed, an Autorización de Regreso or "Comprovativo de pedido de Autorização de Residência" or "Comprovativo de prorrogação de Autorização de Residência" for those nationalities that need it
Your passport must contain at least 1 page that is blank on both sides, so that your visa vignette (sticker) can be inserted.

When will we return your passport?

We will retain your passport until we have made a decision on your visa application. You should remember this when you make your travel arrangements, particularly if you plan to visit other countries before going to the UK. If you need your passport in order to travel home (e.g. to the Canary Islands) you should send it back to us as soon as possible.

Urgent and compassionate cases

You should submit an online application. If you cannot schedule an appointment in time, you should email WorldBridge to make an appointment and mark your email as 'Emergency visa application'. You must have documentary evidence to show your application qualifies as urgent or compassionate e.g. a hospital letter. You can find the email form on the WorldBridge in Portugal website.

Applying for a UK visa in Spain

This page explains how you can apply for a visa to come to the UK if you are currently in Spain, Balearic Islands, Andorra, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla or the Azores.
If you currently have temporary permission to stay in Spain, Balearic Islands, Andorra, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla or the Azores (for example, as a student or a visitor), you can only apply for some types of UK visa - see 'More information' below.

When to apply

You can apply for a visa up to 3 months before your date of travel to the UK. We strongly advise you not to confirm your travel arrangements until you have received your visa. To find out how long we usually take to process your type of visa, see the Visa processing times page.

Before you apply

Before you apply, you must:
  • prepare the supporting documents that you will need;
  • be ready to enrol your fingerprints and photograph (known as biometric information) at the visa application centre; and
  • be able to pay the visa application fee. The Visa application fees and guides page explains how much your visa application will cost.
If you do not know which supporting documents to provide, the Visa application fees and guides page will help you to find guidance for your visa category.
If you are applying under the points-based system, you should provide all the documents specified in the guidance for your visa category. For each document, you should also provide any information or explanation that may help us to make our decision.
If you are applying for any other type of visa, you should provide documents that:
  • support the statements that you make in your visa application; and
  • show that the information in your application is true.
We will only consider documents submitted with your application. You cannot submit documents after you have completed your application at the visa application centre, unless our staff ask you for them.
For every document that you provide, you must include the original documentand a photocopy. This includes a copy of your passport bio-data page (the page containing your photograph). Please ensure that the photocopies are of good quality and can be read easily. If you do not provide a photocopy of each document, we might not return your original documents to you.
If you do not have a document, or your documents are not written in English or Welsh, or you are not paying for your trip, you can find out what to do under 'More information' below.

Please note that there are additional requirements for applicants in Spain and Andora. You will need your original valid Spanish or Andorran residence permit. If it is out of date and being renewed, an Autorización de Regreso or 'Comprovativo de pedido de Autorização de Residência' or 'Comprovativo de prorrogação de Autorização de Residência' for those nationalities that need it.

How to apply

To apply for a visa, you must:
  • complete and submit a visa application form online;
  • make an online appointment; and
  • pay for for your visa application and courier fee online.

Applying online

After you apply online, you will need to print out and sign your completed form. If you do not have access to a printer when you apply, you will be able to log in and print out the form later.
You can find the online application form under 'Do it online' on the right side of this page.
As part of your online application, you can use the appointment calendar to book an appointment at the visa application centre. You can find more information on the Booking an appointment page.
When you have completed your online application, you will receive an email message containing your application number (also known as a 'GWF reference'). Please make a note of this number.

Paying your visa application fee

You must pay your visa application and courier fee (14 euros) online using a MasterCard, Visa or Visa Electron credit or debit cards. Maestro cards are not accepted.
To complete the application process (even if you are applying online), you must attend your appointment at our visa application centre at the British Consulate-General in Madrid. You can find more information on the visa application centre page.
The visa application fee will be refunded only if your visa application is withdrawn in writing within 3 months and 7 days of the original date of your application and before you submit your biometric information or if any processing of your application has taken place.